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"Absolute Freedom"

Yoga And Meditation Program

By Inessa Shaeva

Learn and apply the best yoga and meditation techniques in your daily life to get absolute control over your mind, body and life!

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Inessa Shaeva

Our program aims to make you fall in love with yoga and meditation practices!

Welcome to the world,

where people live free lives...

Imagine a life, where you can easily:


Live a life without self-imposed limitations and don’t let others hold you back. 


Make your own decisions, be independent and have free time.


Believe in your abilities, achieve your goals and be financially comfortable.


Be physically healthy and full of energy, have fun, enjoy yourself and your life.

Whatever the challenge, you can stay strong, see things through a new lens,

and take decisive action if you want to move through it successfully.

You have good friends, good job, and good relationships. 

And it is not an illusion...

Being strong and happy is the only choice you make!

We believe each of us has an innate capacity and power to change a life in a significant way that

make it healthier, happier, or more fulfilled! 

We have created a program with the most

exclusive yoga and meditation techniques 

that change the way your brain functions

How Meditation Affects Your Brain

Frontal lobe is responsible for reasoning, planning, emotions and self-conscious awareness. This is the most highly evolved part of the brain. The frontal cortex tends to go offline during meditation.


Parietal lobe processes sensory information about the surrounding world, orienting you in time and space. Meditation slows down activity in the parietal lobe.

Occipital lobe is the center of visual perception system. It is responsible for receiving and processing of visual information. Meditation highly activates and stimulates occipital lobe.

Temporal lobe receives sensory information such as sounds and speech from the ears. Meditation improves the functioning of temporal lobe.

How Yoga Unlocks Your Creativity

Number of studies has showed that practicing yoga people are able to increase the Alpha waves in their brain. They are associated with lower levels of stress and greater levels of creativity. Alpha brain states are responsible for araising ideas in human's brain.

Yoga also increases activity (linked to focus, calm and concentration) in frontal lobe. Sometimes yoga can even enlarge that part of the brain.

how yoga unlocks your creativity
benefits of yoga

Yoga Benefits 

Course description

All this knowledge and experience we have combined in our powerful program, and now it is available to you

yoga and meditation knowledge

Over the last 3 years, we have helped more

than 50,000 people around the world to make

yoga and meditation a part of their lives

What People Are Saying About Program

"One of the most important things in life is time. It is the most precious gift because you only have a set amount of it. You can never get back the time you have wasted.

Program taught me that I can create and live the life I want, live it to the fullest and enjoy every moment of the journey!"



Who Can Benefit From This Program

This Program Is Right For You If:

This Program Is Better Not To Try If:

Program Structure and Content

Section №1.

Meditation And Yoga For Beginners.

  • What are meditation and yoga?

  • How do meditation and yoga work?

  • How to get started with meditation and yoga?

  • How to find the ideal techniques for you?

  • How to develop the habit to practice daily?

  • How to choose the best time and place to practice?

Section №2.

Practical Guide On Mind Changing Meditation.

  • Concentration Meditation

Meditation cuts off all distractions, trains your mind to concentrate and focus on an object or nothingness. This will let your mind to be calm and awaken beyond thought elaboration and even beyond your sense of self.

  • Reflective Meditation 

It refers to disciplined thinking. You choose a question or topic, and train your reflection on it, analyze what goes into your thoughts. It will let your mind to be more in control and not wander off.

  • Mindfulness Meditation

Meditation trains you to be mindful and live in the moment. It teaches how to observe own thoughts and feelings from a distance, without judging them good or bad. 

  • Heart-Centered Meditation

The main purpose of meditation is to help you get rid of all fears and feelings of sadness. It will bring about a sense of kindness and peace to your mind.

  • Creative Meditation

Meditation helps to develop and strengthen the various qualities of your mind. It helps to affect your reality with your imagination, build positive pictures in your mind, give them life and direction with thought energy.

Section №3.

Practical Guide On Peace Of Mind Yoga.

  • Yoga For Good Health

Regular yoga techniques can help to improve breathing, atrial fibrillation (irregular heartbeat), relieve back pain, knee pain and other chronic pain.

  • Yoga For Mind Control

Yoga techniques can help you take control over your thoughts and energy. In addition, it helps to drive your emotions, behaviors and ultimately determine your actions.

  • Yoga For Stress Relief, Anxiety And Depression

Yoga helps you stay calm and relaxed in daily life. It can free your mind of the unnecessary thoughts that breed anxiety. If events in daily life come without getting restless, meditation can give the strength to face them.

You will be able to try out the most powerful yoga and meditation techniques. By the end of the program you will be well equipped to choose the techniques that best suit your needs and daily life-style. 

What Results You Will Get After Program

The Most Inspiring Customers Feedbacks

Most of all I liked that the program gives the opportunity to learn all existing types of meditation. In the end of the program I was able to choose techniques which are the most effective for me. I recommend it for people who are thinking to start practicing, but don't know what to start with. 

Julia Maurer

Program is very detailed and comprehensive, all instructions are presented in the form of step-by-step guide. As a result, I managed to overcome my self-imposed limitations and get out of my comfort zone. I started to explore the world, became free and independent. During the last two year I have managed to travel to 18 countries. 

Jeff Adams

Inessa's program exceeded my expectations. In fact, I really enjoyed learning yoga for the first time. Both theoretical and practical parts were really informative and useful. Yoga helped me to relieve stress, improve my mental well-being and focus more on the present.

Melissa Karno

This program had a life changing effect on me. I had been plagued by depression for 3 years. It was surprising for me that after few weeks of this program it was like I was transformed. Meditation helped me to get rid of negative thoughts and start thinking more positively.

Daniel Riggs

Bonus: Healthy Food Program

As a bonus, we have prepared a Mindful Eating Program which you should follow when practicing yoga and meditation techniques. 

What we eat, not only influences our physical well being, but also our emotions and thoughts. Not just the right kind of food, it is vital to eat the proper quantity of food at the right time. This program will help you to form a habit to eat healthy food at the same time everyday and eat it at regular intervals.

You will be able to end mindless and emotional eating, stop obsessing about food, eating, and weight. The program provides detailed healthy 4-week meal plan.

Healthy Food Program is valued at $45. But you get it FREE as a bonus to our yoga and meditation program.

Program Creator

Professional Yoga and Meditation Expert, Certified Mindfulness Teacher, Psychologist and Traveler

Inessa Shaeva is CEO of Art Mind Intl, a company specializing in the development of programs that aim to teach people how to use meditation and yoga in everyday life. Inessa's goal is to help you achieve absolute control over your mind, body and life. 

Inessa's Spiritual Experience At Indian Ashram

  • Spent 12 months in the environment of monastic living

  • Learned spiritual mechanics from sadhus, holy men and women of India for thousands of years

  • Lived in ashram located in the pristine spiritual atmosphere of Vrindavana, sacred tirtha (holy place)

  • Overcame depression and started to live happy life with help of learned yoga and meditation techniques

How Much Do Programs Cost In

Meditation Schools Around The World? 

Majority of schools around the World charge few hundred dollars per basic program. Usually it is devided on several sessions and contains a lot of unnecessary and unimportant information. In addition, they provide content that can be easily found on Internet for free. 

Unlike them, our programs are based on spiritual mechanics from sadhus, holy men and women of India for thousands of years. 

For example, 10-days stay in Indian resorts cost from 500$ to 1000$. In addition, round trip ticket costs up to 1200$. Of course, experience there is amazing and unforgettable, and if you have such an opportunity, we strongly recommend to use a chance. 

We offer you these techniques in our program for much lower price,

but still you will get only the most important and exclusive information.

By clicking the button above, your credit card will be billed for the amount shown above and this program will be sent to your email which you provide during purchasing process. 
For your security, all orders are processed on a secured server.

Select Program Package


  • Yoga and Meditation Guide presented in a step-by-step way (digital version)

  • High Quality Meditation Music

  • Bonus: Healthy Food Program

Price: 2̶9̶ ̶U̶S̶D̶

Price now: 7 USD

* 6 GBP / 9 AUD / 25 AED


  • Yoga and Meditation Guide presented in a step-by-step way (digital version)

  • High Quality Meditation Music

  • Bonus: Healthy Food Program

  • 24/7 Chat & E-mail suppport

  • Free program updates for life

  • Access to facebook group with   supportive community of meditators

Price: 7̶9̶ ̶U̶S̶D̶

Price now: 49 USD

* 38 GBP / 64 AUD / 180 AED


Program Quality Guarantee

If you feel that this course has not met your expectations, you can ask for a full refund. You're covered with a 14-day money back guarantee.

We can guarantee that because we know how effective and powerful our program is. It is important to us that you don't risk anything and take the greatest benefit from our program.

You can try the program over the next 14 days, and see if it’s right for you. The benefits will be greater than you think!

Still cannot make decision?

Check out more feedbacks about program from participants to overcome your hesitations

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